I’ve found the person with
whom I’m going to be spending the rest of my life! Blond hair, blue eyes.
Stubborn. Hard-working. Enthusiastic. Caring. Impatient.
And that person is… me.
No, I haven’t given up in
the search for love just yet. But what I do know for certain, is that there is one person
that I’ll be with forever. Every moment of every day. Every millisecond. With
every breath I take. I better like this person a lot. I better like… me.
In yoga last week, we were
supposed to dedicate our daily practice to one person. People ran through my
mind… my mom, the guy I’m currently dating, ex-boyfriends, best friends. I
chose someone I recently dated because he made me feel good about myself. He
comforted me and had brought me joy. But my next thought was, “Wait just a
moment. Why didn’t I think of
myself? I should bring myself comfort and joy.” At that moment, I decided to dedicate
my yoga practice that day… to me.
Later that day, I wanted to
further explore finding inner peace and happiness through oneself, rather
than relying on others. I spent this week focused on “dating myself.”
And yeah, I was annoying
sometimes. I leave clothes on the floor and the occasional dirty dish in the sink.
I got frustrated with others which prevented me from enjoying that moment. I was impatient when I had to wait. I wanted my own way.
But, I also shared some awesome moments with myself. Each time in the week when I felt content or happy, I explored the characteristics I was exhibiting that led to that moment. I took mental notes to bring out those characteristics more often in the future.
Continuing to improve
oneself is one of life’s greatest challenges. I’ve attempted this multiple
times throughout my life. I’ve educated myself, read books, exercised, tried to
improve my negative qualities and enhance my good ones. What I never thought of
is why. Why do I better myself? To me, it’s because I have to spend my entire
life with myself. When I get annoyed, stubborn, or impatient it mainly hurts
me. In those moments, I don’t feel at peace with myself. Bettering oneself allows you to enhance your positive qualities
and to make life more enjoyable.
So, date yourself. Find ways you
can comfort yourself. Enjoy being with yourself. Support yourself. Be your own
biggest fan.
For, it’s just one person
and one personality that you’re blessed to be around for an eternity. One
person you will never live without. And that person is YOU.
Liz! I just bookmarked this post, so I can easily go back and read it over and over again. This is exactly what I needed to hear at this very moment. Thank you so much! You are my new favorite person :) Much love to you across the ocean...
Ah, I'm really glad to hear that Gulsun :) It seems like you're up to a lot of good out there. Keep up the strong work. Love you lots. xoxo.