Sunday, March 24, 2013

What I want to be when I grow up

I went into med school feeling really confident that I would be an Ob/Gyn. I loved reproductive health. I loved women's health. So then, I was all like...

But then, all these people were like... "What about work / life balance?" "Do you know how hard Ob/Gyn residents work?" "Did you know it's the specialty where the most people quit and change to another specialty?" "All the Ob/Gyn doctors that I know are fat and depressed." So then, I was all like....

Then people started telling me in graphic detail about all the smells, sounds and liquid and semi-solid fluids involved in the birthing process. Then I was all like...
 So then, I thought, maybe I should think about some other things that I enjoy. I did my pediatrics rotation. The kids were cute. We blew bubbles together. The girls and I talked about our favorite classes in school and our favorite princesses. So then I thought, maybe I should be a pediatrician! I was all like...
After contemplating peds for a few months, I realized that I just didn't feel passionate about the specialty. I liked all my rotations, but I didn't love any of them. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, so I was all like...

Then as I was studying for my tests and performing clinical rotations, I thought about how I could open a free clinic for homeless women focusing on preventive women's health. I thought about how I could live in developing countries and teach about ob/gyn surgeries... or work on public health projects to increase access to family planning. I kept thinking and I was all like...

That made me happy. I have my Ob/ Gyn rotation in May and June. I'm nervous that I won't like it. So right now, I'm all like... 

But, please cross your fingers for me. That in a few months, I'll just be like....


  1. Good Luck Liz! Did you know my brother is an OBGYN resident right now? I think he is really enjoying the work he's doing. You should chat him up sometime :) He is currently in Haiti doing a medical trip where women's health expertise is of great need. He wants to work in an under-served area.

  2. I did see on facebook that he's an ob/ gyn resident. I'll have to ask for his advice once I know I'm going into it! Thanks so much for the advice and connection. It sounds like he's up to a lot of good and we have shared interests!

  3. Liz, long time no chat. Just wanted to share my two cents. I, and probably most med students, have been where you are. It's a difficult decision. Don't get too attached to any one specialty and let yourself be surprised by what you like. If you can avoid letting stereotypes influence your decision. I never in a million years saw myself becoming a general surgeon (they're all a-holes right?), but I'll be a surgery resident in about 2 months. I found there are those that live up to the stereotypes, but most don't. If it's what you want to do, just think of how great you'd be as the happy, skinny, cute OB/GYN doc.

  4. Great comment. That post meant a lot and gave me a few things to think about. It puts things into perspective thinking about how most people do not actually follow the overall stereotype of the profession...That's awesome you're going into surgery. You'll have to keep me updated about all your adventures as a non-a-hole surgeon! :) It's definitely been too long since we've seen each other or chatted. Glad to see everything is going well!
